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Overbevisende resultater fra nyuddannede Fairstart instruktører verden over. Læs her.

Resultaterne beviser at:

  • Børnenes trivsel er forbedret øjeblikkeligt: de er blevet gladere og mere åbne og trygge
  • Relationerne mellem omsorgsgivere og børn er blevet bedre og sundere
  • Omsorgsgiverne er mere tilfredse med og stolte over deres arbejde
  • Instruktørerne er lykkedes med at videreformidle og omsætte tilknytningsteorien til praktisk og genkendelig viden for omsorgsgivergrupperne
  • Omsorgsgiverne har fået en fælles omsorgsstandard og metoder, som er til gavn for både børn og voksne
Instruktør fra Indien:

Being sensitive has worked wherein one of the care staff shared that, now she was able to understand the aggressive and regressive behavior of one of the child and respond in such a way as “I understand your loss, and I will try to work on it, don’t be angry”. The care staff said, more of such language is actually helping the child to calm as compared to before. One of the care staff said, “Earlier, we really felt bad when children behaved badly with us, after so much of care, but because of the training, now we are able to understand why the child must be behave in this way. (Can relate more). Another caregiver said, “I have become more observant because of the training, and now I am able to notice small behaviors of children, which did not matter me before.”

Instruktør fra Canada:

I think it is very useful to know the five dimensions (five dimensions of secure caregiver behavior, red.). It focuses on the needs of the child rather than focusing on the feelings the caregiver can experience when he or she encounters difficulties with the child. They have been able to connect with their natural strengths as care givers, their own personal stories as children, and to connect with what they should practice more. 

It’s easier, now than at the beginning of the training. I feel that each training session brings answers, paths to follow, like pieces of a puzzle that assembles one to one!

Instruktør fra Estland:

They (the caregivers, red.) were happy and pleased, that they could get some practical help to support the children in their care. Many of them came to talk about their concerns after the session, personally. Many problems emerged, that had been boiling under the surface. Sharing your own experiences creates the sense of empathy. Sharing makes you feel secure with your co-workers, otherwise it’s difficult to open your heart.

Dansk instruktør i Indonesien:

Most of them (the caregivers, red.) felt that they could see themselves in the children, they are taking care of, and they recognize the emotional reactions of the children, which makes it easier to relate to the children’s behavior patterns. It (the interview about own childhood, red.) makes them realize the similarities between the children’s emotions and their own, which makes it easier to handle. They can lean on their personal strengths as professionals.

Instruktør fra Ghana:

The caregivers say they now pay attention to the children and seek them out to talk with them to find out their thoughts, opinions and feelings and also they find out what they think about the decisions that affect them. One caregiver said he called one of the teenagers in his care who was away at boarding school to find out how he was doing and to just simply chat with him and that the boy was thrilled at this. The caregiver said that this was something that he did not use to do but will be keeping up now as a result of the training. They said they realise if they do not ask questions and approach the children and teenagers, they will not open up to them. Also the caregivers said that a cry or call for help or attention from a child is now a priority to them and that it is refreshing to them to know that they fulfil needs in the children simply by being available, accessible and interactive with the children.

Foto fra Fairstarts tur til Rwanda