Session 8/21

Page 2/3 Topic introduction: Reflecting on your professional development

Topic introduction: Reflecting on your professional development

The best way to make this evaluation is to discuss and reflect in the group on the questions presented below.
 (You can think back to the start of training where you answered the Scorecard Interview)
. The instructor can ask you the questions and write down your answers. Answer for one child at a time.

Please reflect together on the following questions:

THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHILD (In the Scorecard the first questions from “How demanding is the task..” to “Your thoughts about the child in foster care and your expectations”):
  1. Do you think the child feels secure in your family?
  2. Do you see the child explore and learn, or is it very insecure and looking for security
  3. Is the development of the child going on as you expected?
  4. What is the best progress you have seen in the child’s behaviour?
  5. What is still difficult for the child in social relations?
  6. If any: How is your cooperation with the child’s biological family going?
  7. Have you found a way of cooperating with the biological parents?
  8. What is your most important experience with this child – looking at the way you behave, what is most successful and what does not seem to work?
  1. How has your cooperation with the child’s social worker developed?
  2. How has your relation with the supervisor or foster family manager developed?
  3. What are you most satisfied with?
  4. What would you ask them to support you with, based on your cooperation – what do you need the most in order to care for the child?
 (Questions 5-11 in the Scorecard):
  1. How has fostering the child affected your marital relationship?
    1. Did your relation improve or get more difficult?
  2. (If any): How did fostering affect your relations with your own child or children?
  3. What have your own children (if any) learned from this?0
    1. Have they become more responsible and understanding, or do they find your fostering a burden?
  4. Have your friends, relatives and neighbours become more understanding and supportive concerning your foster care?
  5. Have the biological parents accepted that the child lives with you?
  6. Has the child developed a better understanding of being a child in foster care?
  7. Which of these issues do you think have improved, and which still need your attention?
 (Questions 12-19 in the Scorecard):
  1. Have you managed to be predictable and coherent in the way you respond to the child?
  2. Have you managed to be sensitive?
  3. Have you managed to be accessible to the child when it needs comfort?
  4. Have you managed to feel with the child and not like the child?
  5. Have you managed to reflect with the child about what it feels and thinks, and how it sees others?
  6. What have you learned about practicing secure parenting behaviour?
  7. Which of these behaviours have you found to be most challenging with this foster child?
 (Questions 20-23 in the Scorecard):
  1. How would you describe the child’s relations with peers?
  2. Has the child found friends and how did you support this?
  3. What is still difficult for the child in getting friends and relating to them?
  4. Have you made good relations with other caregivers (teachers, day-care, spare time activity trainers?
  5. What do you think you have succeeded in and what does still need your attention?