Session 15/21

Page 3/7 What can we learn from listening to experienced care leavers?

What can we learn from listening to experienced care leavers?

What can we learn from the voices of young people who left care? One experience was shared by care leaver Sandra. She performed excellently in university after care. But when looking for a spare time job, she fell into the hands of a job bureau who sent her to a Middle East country. There she toiled as a house maid, but she was more like a house slave for years. She managed to escape, and after many troubles she now makes a living as a chapatti street vendor.

Watch this video with care leaver Eunice, who gives her advice to caregivers and care leavers, based on her experiences.


  • Why do you think Sandra was unable to figure out that the job bureau would mislead her?
  • What is the most important advice from Eunice in the interview?
  • What is our own experience of the major risks for our care leavers?