Session 12/13
Page 1/7: Teenagers and Leaving the InstitutionTeenagers and Leaving the Institution

Competences to be exercised:
• Understanding the common challenges of puberty for the young person and the staff group.
• Preparing the children for puberty through dialogues
• Managing staff control versus independence: contracting instead of controlling
• Understanding the importance of the peer group development
• Aftercare planning
• Organising “leaving home” party
Theme of the session:
In this training session you are going to work with supporting the phase of transition when the child becomes a teenager and starts creating its own identity. You are also going to work with how to prepare the young person for leaving the institution.
Aims of the session:
The goal of the session is that staff and leader work to create a common understanding of the transition from child to adult, agree on methods to support teenagers in the institution and become aware of the importance of preparing the young person for leaving the institution.