Fairstart's researcher network and learning theory
The Research Network's contribution to Fairstart's programmes
Many researchers have contributed with their research, dialogues and recommendations to Fairstart's programmes over the years. Here are some of the key ones:
- Charles Zeanah, Tulane University, USA.
- Patricia Crittenden, USA.
- Ed Tronick, Un. of Massachusets, USA.
- Robert McCall & Christine Groark, University of Pittsburgh, Office of Child Development, USA.
- Mary Dozier, DelawareUniversity, USA.
- Peter Fonagy, UCL, London.
- Ayşe Rodopman Arman, Marmara University, Istanbul.
- Saths Cooper, IUPSYS President, South Africa.
- Bo Vinnerljung, Sweden.
- C. Hamilton-Giachritsis, Birmingham University, GB.
- Dr. René Hoksbergen, University of Utrecht, the Netherlands.
- Sibel Kazak Berument, Ankara University, Turkey.
- Annika Melinder, Child Psychology Department, University of Oslo, Norway.
- Tobias Hecker & Katharin Hermeneau, University of Bielefeld, Germany.
- Sheyla Blumen, Psychology Dpt. Of Universidad Pontifica Catolica, Lima, Peru.
- Jorge Barudy, Maryorie Dantagnan, Felipe Lecannellier, University of Chile.
- The Michael Rutter group, GB.
- Marinus van Ijzendoorn & Femmie Juffer, Leyden University.
- Kamikado Kazuhiro, Nagano University, Japan.
- Rukhsana Saddul, Pakistan.
- Tuhinul Khalil, Bangla Desh.
- Pernille Darling Rasmussen, Hejmdal Hospitalet, Denmark.
- Anne-Dorte Hestbæk, VIVE, Denmark.

One outcome of this international collaboration is a special issue of Infant Mental Health Journal that describes how research in exposed children is transformed into local childcare policies and interventions/education.
The special issue can be found here.

Fairstart's educations and programmes are based on the concept of blended learning as well as our own learning theory. Read about why our concept works in this article by Fairstart's CEO and child psychologist Niels Peter Rygaard.