Session 2/13
Page 1/5 Attachment Understanding basic attachment theory – your platform for professional practicesUnderstanding basic Attachment Theory: Your platform for professional practices
Competences to be exercised:
• The skill of practising professional attachment behaviour.
• Knowledge of the dimensions: “Secure Base seeking” and “Exploration”, and how to support and encourage these two functions in babies and young children.
• Understand the dimensions of Secure Base Caregiver Behaviour.
• Understand the on-going balance between Task Work and Relations Work.
Theme of the session:
In this training session you are going to work with the importance of attachment theory for young children, and how your understanding affects the way you work in the rest of the sessions:
• Daily contact and activities,
• Working with relations,
• How you schedule your work plans etc.
You will learn about Attachment Behaviour, Secure Base Caregiver Behaviour and Exploration Behaviour.
Aims of the session:
• The main goal of this session is to understand the importance of Basic Attachment Theory in order to improve caregiver practise and secure children’s development.
• Children without stable parents are highly exposed to changes in terms of shifts among caregivers and replacements which might provoke later attachment disorder.
The child’s social and emotional development is very much depending on your understanding of how important the caregiver attachment behaviour is.
In the following sessions you will work with the development of good practise.
In session 4 you will learn how you can avoid the waste of good efforts by organizing your and your colleagues daily work in other ways than the old fashioned “hospital way”.
Training session 2 provides the basic knowledge all caregivers should have by heart:
You may choose to split up into a number of smaller groups in order to make sure that everybody understands and exercises Basic Attachment Theory, Secure Base and Exploration Behaviour before you go on to training session 3.