Company History
The history of Fairstart Foundation
In 2012, the organisation FairstartGlobal was founded by Niels Peter Rygaard and Morten Jac. The organisation was founded based on an increasing interest in the online training programmes developed by Niels Peter Rygaard in collaboration with a team of international researchers.
At the same time, Fairstart began the development of the online instructor educations, as the organisation saw an increasing demand for international quality education for caregivers – in both fostercare and groupcare institutions.
FairstartGlobal becomes Fairstart Foundation
In 2016, all activitites and programmes of FairstartGlobal were transfered to what is known today as Fairstart Foundation. In the same year, the European civil society for education, Life Long Learning Platform awarded Fairstart the innovation price Inspiring Practices. Read more here.
In 2017, Fairstart initiated it's first partnership project with SOS children’s villages in Africa – this was the first time Fairstart developed an instructor education tailored to the local needs of a partner organisation. Read more here.
The year after - in 2018 – Fairstart launched it's second partnership project. This time with the National Board of Social Services in Greenland. This was the first time the instructor education was translated to a third language. Today, Fairstart and it's different partner organisations have educated over 450 instructors and helped over 30.000 children through the improved knowledge of caregivers – and they work continuously to secure a better future for all children.