Session 5/13
Page 3/10: Insecure attachment patterns in children (avoidant, ambivalent or disorganised) and caregiver behaviourInsecure attachment patterns in children (avoidant, ambivalent or disorganised) and caregiver behaviour
You remember from the previous session how children act when they have experienced secure care in the first years of life:
- When caregivers provide a secure base, the child 0-2 years tends to be sad when the caregiver leaves – but not for long. It will soon start crawling away and spend a lot of time playing and exploring.
- Older children will often be self-reliant and have a positive view on themselves and others, and they will seek for help when needed. They will have several specific relations to peers and caregivers.

There are three other attachment patterns which reflect an insecure relation with the first caregivers.
Please think of the children in your care while we study insecure attachment patterns. After the description you will discuss how the children in your care respond when you leave, or when you relate with them.