Sustainability - learning ecological gardening
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This session is meant for children aged 12-18 and is about the concept of sustainability with a specific focus on how humans impact nature and how everything on earth is connected and dependent on one another. Agriculture is one of the main elements influencing nature and the environment, and learning to cultivate the land in a sustainable way is crucial for the survival of many animals and plant species.
Competences to be exercised:
- Presenting children/families to the concept of sustainable gardening.
- Creating awareness of the importance of sustainable cultivation of the land.
- Teaching children how their behavior can affect the environment and how they can act responsibly towards nature.
Theme of the session:
In this session you are going to perform activities that teach children how to grow crops in various sustainable ways and under different circumstances, such as gardening without a garden and without artificial fertilizers.
Aims of the session:
The goal of this session is to make observations, research, and discussions about various aspects of sustainable gardening and agriculture. Also, the children/families should perform activities that give them practical experience in cultivating organic crops in a sustainable way.