Session 1/13
Page 1/5: Introduction to your learning and development processIntroduction, interview exercise, and cooperation in the training program

Competences to be exercised:
• Understanding how personal life experience with attachment and loss is an important source of professional caretaker knowledge. Especially when you work with children who have little or no contact with their parents, you can understand the children´s reactions from your own life experience
• Exercising openness in dialogues and discussions at the sessions.
• Understanding how personal life experience with attachment and loss is an important source of professional caretaker knowledge. Especially when you work with children who have little or no contact with their parents, you can understand the children´s reactions from your own life experience
• Exercising openness in dialogues and discussions at the sessions.
Theme of the session:
In this first training session you will be introduced to the basics of the program and the rest of the sessions. You will also make short interviews with each other to understand how much important knowledge you have from your own life – knowledge that is useful in your professional work.
You will understand what is expected of you while you learn professional child care theory in the program, and how the instructor, your leader and the staff can support each other while using the program.
Aims of the session:
• To understand how the Fairstart training program works, how the sessions work, and how to work between sessions.
• To understand how your own life provides valuable professional knowledge.